Tuesday, June 12, 2012

WARNING: Cute Ducklings may Nibble Toes... and become even cuter in doing so.

Mallard ducklings rely on their mothers for nearly two months before they are fully independent. Once they've reached the water after leaving the nest, they can feed themselves, but must learn what is edible. These ducks seem to have found that if they rush up to a human on shore, they will be handed some sort of tasty morsel; unfortunately I only had pictures to take, and no snacks to give.
A mama mallard and her 
These ducklings should soon be ready to fly off on their own, and live the life of a mallard duck, and a good life it is indeed.
This little guy is still figuring out that toes aren't the tastiest snacks in the lake.
Resource: Wetlands & Wildlife Care Center

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