Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Quaint Little Painted Turtles

Painted turtles live quiet lives within their shells, basking by day on calm shores. Because turtles are ectothermic, they require the sunlight to thermoregulate; three can be seen below soaking up nature's own warmth, with a fourth coming to join in.
Look them there... loving life.
These turtles were happy to have found the nicest spot on the bank of the inlet behind Windmill Island here at KBS, until I approached... Once one of them noticed me they all stuck their necks out and around their carapaces to keep a cautious eye turned toward their harmless photographer. Painted turtles tend to be quite skittish, which I soon discovered as I moved in for a better shot.
Splish, splash, they slipped away for a quick escape!
Whoever made turtle speed out to be the slow setting has obviously never seen one make a break for it when someone disturbs their thermal meditation.

Resource: DEP Connecticut

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