Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Old Urban Railroad-Yee-haw!


Around the 1830s in America, trains were the bee's knees in transportation, that is, they were faster than horse and buggy and cars weren't invented yet.


Railroads were used to link the East with the West.  It became much easier to transport supplies (freight trains) and people (passenger trains).


Train accidents were fairly common with the use of solar time because clocks differed by four minutes for every degree of longitude. For example, the difference between New York and Boston is about two degrees or eight minutes.  The implementation of time zones smoothed things over.

Anyways, back at Brook Lodge, W.K. Kellogg would take a train from Kalamazoo (his summer home on Gull Lake which is now the Kellogg Biological Station) to Battle Creek, the cereal capital of the world.  This track is no longer in use.  It has now been converted to a natural trail.

Notice the black arrows are pointing to an ex-train track that is now a trail.  Let's zoom in on the lovely peninsula:

To look for more amazing trails, check out http://www.railstotrails.org/index.html.

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