Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Superheros and the Villains That Make Them

Once, there was a man of strength and intellect beyond human measure. How could such a creature, who camouflaged himself in the everyday bustle of New York business, be stopped?! Only one, amazing man of equal strength and wit was able protect the city--but could the green monster really be destroyed?

Deep in the Kellogg Forest, a monster of a similar description is found. Could it really be the same green "goblin" that terrorized NYC? Ah, but this green monster will eat any spider for breakfast.
Beware, for he requires no glider to fly. His quickness and agility matches none--reaching 8mph, and his weaponry, well, it speaks for itself. He is a fearsome predator, and he could be in your backyard!

--on a side note, he does love gardens and garden ecosystems love him back

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